Guys, when you think of an Arab, like me, you think of camels, you think of oil, you think of desert. And it makes sense. This is all we see from this was the world, we see the world, we see the bad stuff. But what about the good stuff to answer that question, I went to visit the United Arab Emirates, in person. And what I saw there will make you think twice about the desert. for example, take their whole mission, it's a no mission, developed by Arabs for the first time ever, to reach Mars. Yes, people in the Middle East are going to bars. And I bet you didn't know about that. This is a probe that will study weather on Mars and help us understand it better. Launching. Now, next week. Hope mission is going to lift off. Despite COVID-19, and when it succeeds, it will be history in the making, because it will change the way we look at people from the desert. 400 people from around the world, built this spacecraft and 200 of them are Arabs and 34% of them are women. And they we...